Different Hair Qualities of NHE
It is useful to know that a single grading system does not exist for all hair extensions. It is unregulated as such is not to be relied on. Each supplier uses their own rating system. Here at N.H.E., Infinitude Hair Extensions have 3 grades of hair.
Classic Remy - Is processed human hair that is medium grade human hair. This hair comes from multiple donors that has had processing done to their hair. The donors of this hair tend to be of older age. Classic Remy hair has been coloured and processed and we don't recommend chemically processing the hair further because it is a lower grade hair and a lot can go wrong with the hair if the proper steps aren't taken. This hair last up to 1 to 3 months with proper care.
Premium Remy - Is processed human hair of superior quality. This hair is good grade, 100% human hair. This hair comes from multiple donors that has had barely any processing done to their hair. The donors of this hair are usually younger donors. It goes through a superior coloring and treatment process. With proper care, Premium Remy can last 6 months to over 1 year.
Virgin Remy - Is unprocessed human hair. The hair comes from one single donor. The donor's hair is completely unprocessed. With proper care, it can last 6 to 8 months.