With the changing of seasons comes different treatments for your hair. With hair extensions, more care needs to be taken to keep those locks feeling soft and smooth while making sure there is no tangling. Here a few things you can do to keep that longevity with your hair extensions.
Conditioning is always important when it comes to your hair but with hair extensions, this is a serious must. The summer months are beneficial of not only being warm but also bring humidity. Fall & Winter air, however, can be super dry, which can affect the hair’s ability to maintain moisture. This is why it is so important to condition every time. If you even miss conditioning once, you will feel and see a difference with how your hair will work for you. It will feel brittle and dry. Conditioning also assists in less tangling and matting. Make sure you are using a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner to keep your hair soft and smooth. Conditioning gives back the moisture lost from the colder days. It will also help with static hair which with hair extensions can cause tangling.
Another great conditioning treatment is hot oil. If you want to bring back the life of old hair extensions, wigs, or just a nice treatment, this is a great way to achieve that. There are many different oil treatments out there you can buy but if you look in your kitchen, you should find something natural you can use.
Apple cider vinegar is praised for being rich in vitamins and minerals good for hair, like vitamin C and B. It contains alpha-hydroxy acid which also helps exfoliate scalp skin, as well as anti-inflammatory, which can help with dandruff. Apple cider vinegar rinse can do wonders for your natural hair, as well as using it as a hair mask for your human hair extensions. The natural oils in our hair come from our scalps, which is also known as sebum.
Apple cider vinegar is a factor in many health benefits for your hair, including smoothing out cuticles, detangling your hair and improving porosity. This process results in healthier hair and a reduction in split ends and breakage.
Start off by blending one cup of water with two to four cups of tablespoons of vinegar. Shampoo your hair thoroughly and rinse it out. You can either do this next step in the shower or near a sink. Next, you want to pour the apple cider vinegar mix over your entire scalp and let it run down your hair shaft. Try not to get it in your eyes! Begin massaging the mix into your scalp and rubbing the mix into your hair with your hands. If gloves make you more comfortable, go ahead and use them! After about three minutes, rinse out the vinegar.
For dry hair extensions, start out with two tablespoons of vinegar per cup of water. If you have oily hair or dandruff, three or four spoons will probably be required. You can adjust this blend over time to see what works best for your hair. Repeat this process once a month to every other week.
With the cooler temperatures, more scarves and touques will need to be worn. When it comes to hair extensions, if the hair is dryer than usual, sometimes tangling, frizz and static hair can occur. Braids are a must when it comes to hair extensions in the warm summer months and also the colder winter months. It should always be a regular routine every night when you are getting ready for bed to braid your extensions in a low flat braid. You should never ever go to bed with wet hair or your hair not braided up. The last step is sleeping with a silk pillow case or a silk night cap to give you the ultimate protection.
If the cold temperatures are drying out your extensions, braiding them is needed when sleeping with them. This helps kept the hair from tangling less. Braids also are a fast and easy hairstyle to keep frizzy and static hair under control.
Wearing a touque can also help with your hair extensions. Extreme weather in the fall and winter can leave its mark with damage from the winds, the dry air and even the sun. Cover your extensions and your head from the elements. A good wool or cashmere hat will keep you and your hair protected.
Remember, hair extensions are an investment that takes work to keep them looking and feeling soft and tangle free. Following these few suggestions can help you keep the longevity you are looking for this fall season!