There is no question that the hair & hair extension business is a booming market! In today’s competitive marketplace, many potential customers will use Google to check out your salon and its reviews before they decide whether to go ahead to use your services. It is very important to engage with your clients. This will help you discover more about who they are and what each individual needs for their hair which in turn assists your sales. Here are a few tips that you may not have thought of to push you into being the best hair boss of your career.
ENGAGE - Establishing Trust
This is the first and most important step to a long and successful business relationship between you and your client. Do not take on a client with only the thoughts of making money. This way of thinking can actually backfire and being focused only on sales can have you missing some very important information that your client would like to share with you. You should be welcoming your clients like a close friend. Get to know them. Ask lots of questions and make them feel important. Once the flow of communication is opened, it is much easier to suggest products that you feel would work best for them.
If you are a stylist who specializes in hair extensions, having demo hair in your salon is an absolute must! Whether it is clip-ins, ponytails, halos, wigs & toupees or even some of the more permanent extensions like fusion and tape, having these products gives your clients a better visual to what they may be looking for.
A effective sales strategy is wearing some of these demos in your own hair. People are very visual. Trying to explain how certain extensions work can be confusing and misinterpreted by your client which could turn them off completely. Showing off the extensions in your own head and how they work will give your client confidence and will get them interested in trying them out for themselves.
When it comes to our hair, we all need products to keep it clean, healthy and styled. There is such a large selection to choose from out there whether it be in the salon, a beauty supplier or corner store. How do you convince your client to buy from you and not at the grocery store? Use the products you love on your clients. Again, if you also use these products yourself, you can personally relate to your client about your experiences with it.
As Nellie's Hair Emporium (N.H.E.) is a distributor and supplier, they carry many products to suit all hair needs. Checking the MSRP in the price list will give you a guide line of what would be the appropriate pricing for your clients. Be creative and have fun. Make promotions for giveaways to get that product out there and be seen. Talk about it while using it one your clients. Up-sell!
We are living in the time of online influence and social media. It is very important to showcase your work.(Make sure to ask your clients if they give you the approval to post them) Also, all products you are looking to sell, social media is a great platform for this. It shows the products out there to be seen. Approach social media with caution, remembering that on global platforms, many of the people you connect with will be from all over the world and won’t necessarily be able to access your services even if they want to but it is great for networking. It is vital to keep your profiles up-to-date. Potential customers may check out your online presence before they get in touch with you and seeing recent posts will assure them that you are actively in business and available for bookings.
Overall, you will be rewarded with positive results depending on the amount of time and effort you are willing to invest. You can make great decisions to grow. Being your own boss is up to you!